3 Tips for working while traveling

Technology allows us to travel everywhere and still be connected. I travel a lot, and here are some things that make that possible and still get deals done.


    1. Time Blocking & Availability:
      • No matter where I am, I always set aside time daily to sit down and work. I post up somewhere that allows me to make phone calls and do computer work. There are great places in cafes, hotel lobbies, shared offices or I stop in at one of our local NAI offices and use the conference room. Depending on how long I am gone, I will do this Monday through Friday during local PST hours. It’s helpful to be available during your normal office hours.
      • I am always available on my cell phone. My cell phone works everywhere, so I use it.
    2. Have backup, be on a GOOD team:
      • Divide and conquer: Being on a good team allows others to help tour buildings, give access to buildings or be available in person when you are out of town. Backup is important even when you are in town. If you are double booked, it is always helpful to have people who can help.
    3. Good Tech:
      • I have an Oakley backpack that carries my iPad, MacBook Pro & all the supporting cords. I use the iPad as a split screen for my MacBook in order to have two screens.
      • iPhone: I always make sure my iPhone is working and have a backup battery.
How I Have Adapted to Remote Working

How I Have Adapted to Remote Working

How I Have Adapted to Remote Working

Adapting to working remotely.

Companies have started to realize that Covid is here to stay and work must go on. Working remotely is becoming more of the norm.

Personally I like luxury of working from the office with my dual monitors, standing/sitting desk, glass doors, view, white board and endless amount of coffee. It is my work space, when I am there it’s “game on” and work mode. When I get home it’s the opposite. I like to keep the 2 separate. When Covid first happened and I realized the office could be empty and working remotely could become the norm I decided to try to retrain myself how to work.

I bought a fancy TUMI backpack that had room for my iPad, Macbook and all appropriate cords for all my beloved apple products. Yup, I am that guy. Apple makes it, I want it. I realized that my iPad could be an external monitor to my lap top which made reviewing documents easier. I told myself for a month I would not use anything except for what I had in my TUMI backpack. I quickly realized it didn’t matter if I was at the office, home or at a coffee shop. As long as I had my ear pods and the internet I could make calls and send emails. I am not the most tech savvy person, but it made me realize I could still be very productive wherever I was.

Everyone is wired differently, but with technology continuing to make us more mobile. Covid has made several companies realize that as long as the work gets done, who cares where they work. It really depends on the industry and a persons ability to work from anywhere.

As the trends from working from home or the office change, you are going to see office space change. I have already seen it, but you will start to see “drop by offices”. Your company will set up for you to come in and not work from one specific office. Several industries will have the big corner office as a thing of the past. But, that is the next article. Stay tuned for the next blog post on how office is changing.

For now I like how changing my work habit had made a physical office less important.